Anatomy of a Set List
When a band takes the stage there is an invisible performer that no one ever sees — the set list! Like a good DJ the set list does a lot of things to generally drive the tone of the performance:
– sets the tone of the performance early
– builds and lowers energy like the ebb and […]
Contrasts – The Goat & The Merc – Notes & Set Lists
The founder of a company I once worked for shared something many years ago: Make time to find the things that you are passionate about, and do those things. Start now. Don’t squander your time trying to figure it all out – go do the things you’re passionate about, and others will […]

3 Reasons We Create Art
ZM took a hiatus from performing the past few months – new babies and holiday bustle took priority. We’ll be getting back out there with live shows lined up in January, February, and beyond. Stay tuned for those!
In the meantime, here are some New Years Day thoughts about how music, and all art in general, […]
Laughing Goat 7-8-2016 Notes and Set List
Damn. At the Laughing Goat last Friday I was reminded how quickly circumstances can change, and how easy it is to hurt the people we care about. Despite my innate wiring to build up and never tear down, and though I had no ill intentions, I still managed to hurt a friend, a […]
Stair Steps & Shining Eyes – Notes and Set Lists from the Past 3 Weeks
Zen Mustache enjoyed another round of outdoor performances the past three weekends. For me it was stair step experience.
Step: On May 21st the Upslope Get Down was a crazy-fun party on the loading dock behind the Upslope Brewery in Boulder. I personally felt comfortable out in the (hot!) sunshine; however as a band we agreed […]
BCFM 4-9-2016 Notes & Set List
Thank you Boulder County Farmers Market! We appreciated joining you for a Saturday filled with fabulous sunshine, friendly food vendors, and a relaxed farmers market scene. We had some concerns how rusty we might be on stage since we’ve been focused these past months on writing new music, not performance. We needn’t […]
Before and After – Laughing Goat Notes and Set List
The Laughing Goat in Boulder has had some recent face-lifting. Improved seating to make the performance area even cozier than it had been; new copper water faucet, stylish and functional yet still tucked out of the way at the end of the bar; an upgraded 12-channel mixing board is a godsend for larger […]
Lovin’ the Outdoor Festivals – Notes and Set List from Fall Fest and Oktoberfest
Great weather and fantastic outdoor energy the past two weeks! On and off stage was all terrific fun at the Fall Fest in Boulder and yesterday’s Oktoberfest in Denver. Felt great to reconnect with some old friends (April and Travis!) as well as out-of-town family (Masons! Martens!) and many new friends we met […]
Mud, costumes, beer, music – Notes and Set List from FDGD2015
Mud, costumes, beer and music. It was all there in Nederland this weekend. Show up and it felt like being surrounded by a thousand of your closest drinking buddies. Men and women, adults and children graced the grounds at Frozen Dead Guy Days, and we were thrilled to be part of the […]
Laughing Goat 10-17-2014 Notes and Set List
Almost more fun than we could handle this weekend at the Laughing Goat. Definitely our favorite intimate Boulder venue, where we get to unplug a bit and push out semi-acoustic versions of our tunes. Mix in a celebratory atmosphere for Phil’s birthday and the general cool vibe of the Goat itself and voila! […]