Push to Publish
Last week’s gig at Bands on the Bricks was a great opportunity for Zen Mustache. We saw a chance to get our sound in front of a lot of people, and a diverse group at that. To prepare, we not only wanted to tighten up our set and put forth our best performance, […]
Denver – Granby – Estes, August 11-12, 2012
Check out these logistics from the 3-course weekend Zen Mustache completed on August 11-12, 2012. We started with a 5am wake-up call to play at the DaVita 5k run/walk fundraiser in Denver. After packing up gear we headed out for groceries and other supplies, then boogied up to the first annual Ranchstock festival […]
The A Game
Zen Mustache played a show recently at Pete’s Monkey Bar (www.petesmonkeybar.com) and had a simply amazing night. It was a show to remember, with great energy and terrific performances. Afterward, someone gave props to the guys in the band who brought out a lot of people. I gave kudos to Geoff for putting together a […]
Switcheroo (“light” version)
If I recall rightly, I think it was BJ’s idea originally. One night at rehearsal, between songs, while Justin was uncorking the wine and Kyle was perusing cover ideas on his phone, BJ wandered out onto the thin ice and suggested we try switching on our instruments.
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